
Bury a time capsule
Buy a large world map and put red stickers on all the places I want to visit and green on all the places I have visited
Buy a roll of bubble wrap and pop every last bubble
Celebrate the colour’s of fall
Climb a tree
Dress all in red on Christmas day
Dye hair dark red

Email the top 5 people who have most influenced me
Fly a kite
Get a Tattoo

Go to an auction
Hang a wreath on my front door at Christmas
Have 3 genuine friends
Have a horror movie night marathon at Halloween
Have a picnic indoors

Have a white Christmas
Have my hair professionally straightened
Have one Christmas where all the gifts I give are homemade
Jump into a pool fully clothed

Learn about five outstanding people
Learn to tame my frizzy hair
Leave the exact change for a drink in the change slot of a vending machine
Make 100 cards that contain inspirational quotes and leave them in 100 random places
Make a working volcano
Make fire by rubbing two sticks together
Make my own perfume
Memorize Theodore Roosevelt’s “Are you strong enough to handle critics?” 

Pack a thermos full of hot chocolate and go for a long walk in the wintry woods
See a coca cola Christmas truck
Send a message in a bottle

Spend a whole Saturday in bed
Spend more than two hours talking on the phone to someone
Take a sledgehammer to a wall

Watch the moon for 28 consecutive days
Watch the sunrise and sunset on the same day
Write a book review on Amazon for each star 

Write a letter to myself to be read five years from when it is written

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